Sunday, 6 July 2008


Today, dear reader(s), I am to attend a Hypnobirthing course. I have no idea what to expect.

Curiouser and curiouser


Katharine Graves said...

I teach HypnoBirthing, and I loved your comment. I feel that rathers turn up at a HypnoBirthing course on the following basis:

Before a woman gets pregnant, she has it in the back of her mind that there's always a caesarean as a soft option. When she gets pregnant, her hormones do somersaults and she does a bit of research and realizes that a caesarean isn't a soft option. At the point she realizes that there's only one way out, and it's going to be painful, coupled with the fact that she's receiving horror stories from all and sundry without so much as a by-your-leave. Then someone at work mentions that her step-mother's cousin's neice has done this thing called hypnobirthing which she said was really good. So the expectant mother googles 'hypnobirthing', reads the websites, is impressed, and tells her husband / partner that she wants to do a HypnoBirthing course. He raises his eyes to heaven and thinks, what on earth is she up to now, particularly as I've just paid for all the other ante-natal classes, not to mention the baby equipment. Then, what's worse, he discovers that he's supposed to go too and, feeling vaguely responsible for the situation, he dutifully trots along behind.

You can see this written all over the faces of most of the fathers who turn up at a course.

The good news is that the principles of hypnobirthing are utterly logical, you'll learn some very useful life skills, you'll enjoy it immensely, it'll make a huge difference to your wife / partner and to you, and you'll finish the course over the moon and impressed.

Have a great time.

Best regards


Katharine Graves is a HypnoBirthing teacher in London

Mal said...

To be honest, I'm already impressed. There was a video we watched that cured any lingering issues from the Doubting Thomas within.

My concerns through this pregnancy are for Mrs Mal and Mal Jr. If Mrs Mal wants to try courses/techniques and the like that sit off the beaten track then I will support her 100%. She will know what is right for her and our relationship has always operated as such.

Besides, I'm not the one who is going to be forcing a camel through the eye of a needle...